Needless to say that India is a land of diversity - different religions, cultures, languages, dialects, costumes and of course, cuisines and so on. India has set an example of unity in diversity to be followed as people of different castes and religions dwell here together. However, this harmonious social set-up gets disturbed many times by religious diversity and different communities.

Education is the best part of humanity. No one can deny the fact. But relevant education in various countries is limited. Many countries lack relevant education. Generally proper schooling or good education is available only to a few elites of the society. It holds true in terms of India. Unfortunately, our education system is supposed to be defective and that's why, it hardly helps develop persona of a child. It is always to be remembered that it is personality that is more important than academic qualification.

Our education system lays emphasis on good marks of a child, but not on his personality. So children are not exposed to the outer world and the system does not enable and enhance them to develop impressive personality. Children are not found to be capable of analyzing things through which they go - History, culture and religion. They usually take the lines of establishment or the views of predominant majority. Moreover, they are not able to see things through their own perspective and narrative. If we want society to be far better, we need to develop a culture of looking at things critically.

Skill Development

This is perhaps the most apparent failure of our education system that after completing graduation in any discipline, students are not able to get jobs. Simply because skills that are required for a job are not instilled in a fresher of graduation. Whatever a student is taught during his schooling and college life is almost redundant for job markets. Skill that is required by students honed in schools and colleges. This is why our education system is needed (is badly in demand) to revamped and must be designed as per our economic policies.

If we in India talk the privileged children, they are not able even to innovate and create new things. Although children are provided with everything that they need; but still they lack something. What they are doing is only intimation of western culture and not being capable of doing anything new. On one hand children cannot afford even to go to schools and on other, if they are rushed to schools, they are not able to innovate and deal with the problems that the country facing.

So, in order to take all the problems of our education system we all will have to be united and work together for it because this is not responsibility only of our government, which we are part of. So by maintaining harmony among ourselves, we will have to work for each and every person and try to do some productive and creative work. It will be better to provide jobs opportunities to other than asking system to provide the same.

Why We?

We PANKH (Prakash Alliance of Nature to Keep Harmony) has many ways to help our society and our INDIA. We wish to give a good education to our children, who can build a good society and simultaneously we will provide some work to unemployed people to complete there financial needs because this is very much essential to give work all those hands to whom we want something good for the nation. So, to complete our aim we want full support of yours...


Our Announcements

Date - [16-12-2023]      Time - [22:20:00]

We are going to organise an Olympiad named as BASIC LANGUAGE AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE TEST in schools from class 5th to 10th. There are 50 MCQs for, A Time Span of 1 Hour will be Based on OMR answer sheet. It offer students many opportunities to further :- enhance their existing skill sets, improve their academic standard and for knowledge of any competition exam etc. Result... 1) First 3 rank holders will get Medalsand certificates. 2) Next 5 will get Appreciation Certificates.

Our Services

Charity for Education

Charity for money is quiet easy because when we gift the money as charity then it is limited upto the desire of particular candidate not for society and that candidate will always wait ...

Help Little Hands

Now a days many of the children are doing work in many shop's and hotel's who are known child labour's. We PANKH thought that they are labouring because they are not ...

Save Children

The future of any nation is depend upon the children. So, we PANKH think that to save the future of nation it is must to save children by aware parents/guardians that keep their ...

Swach Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) is a nation-wide campaign in India for the period 2014 to 2019 that aims to clean up the streets, roads and infrastructure of India's cities, towns, ...

Green India

The National Mission for a Green India or Green India Mission (GIM), launched in February 2014 is one of the eight missions India's action plans to address the ...

Save Water

With water being such a vital natural resource for life, saving water and reducing the wastage of water is a great way to take action. All of us can adopt and implement some very easy ...

You can make a significant contribution to the objectives of the society by making generous contribution by the way of demand draft or cheque or other online payment options. These donations are used to fund the various programs and campaigns being run by PANKH.